HCMI Board Meeting August 28, 2023
- Scott MacPherson, ED
- Jennifer Myszkowski (President)
- Carey Baker (Vice-President)
- Mike Hines
- Daniel O’Sullivan
Not Present:
- Al Williams (Treasurer)
- Denis Luzuriaga (Clerk)
- Gloria Caballero Roca
6:36 p.m.: Call to order
Acceptance of prior meeting minutes – July 20, 2023
- Motion to accept prior meeting minutes
- Motion: Mike
- Second: Daniel
- Vote: Unanimous, motion carries.
- The two courses that were running have concluded, but the studio continues to be highly active, with new people coming in for tours, new projects starting every week, and returning producers continuing to grow and develop their programs.
- 1-year anniversary of receiving our Certificate of Occupancy
- Increased studio occupancy up to 150
- Insurance updates to remain as is for now. Will review our classification other than a broadcast station.
- The school and the city will run their own network in the future.
- Studio Rental Policy review
- Motion to accept Studio Rental Policy
- Dan makes a motion
- Carey Seconds the motion
- Vote: Unanimous, motion carries.
Old Business
- Cable Contract Renewal Update
- Upcoming Sept. 14 ascertainment hearing
- Switching building insurance carriers
Standing items:
- Membership update
- Membership meeting: Tues., Sept. 12
- Personnel check-in
- Marketing update
- Organizational development plan — revisit in September
- Diversity statement update — revisit in September
- Capital planning: Cornice of building
- Latest anti-racism consultant actions
- Crowd Management Training — who has completed?
- Where are we on press release re: hours of operation and how great we are?
New business
- Member-voted board members – when do they start? Overlap with former board members?
- Introduction of continuous improvement discussion
- What’s working?
- What’s not?
- What can we do better in future?
- Should we schedule a time to discuss this further?
Task review and due dates
Motion to adjourn
8:07 p.m.: Adjourn