City Council 5/21/2024

 In City Council, Government Meetings, Video

En Español


1.   The Committee on Development and Governmental Relations to whom was referred an
order that the Honorable City Council accept the revised proposal for 689 Main Street
(Assessors Map 055, Block 00, Parcel 009) as described in the letter (attached)
previously submitted as a communication to the City Council.
Recommended that the revised proposal be adopted.

2.   The Committee on Development and Governmental Relations to whom was referred an
order that the City Council approve an Amendment to a Home Rule Petition for the
purposeof expanding the Center City Liquor License Area.
Recommended that the order be adopted.

3.   The Committee on Charter and Rules to whom was referred an order that the Legal
Department clarify the meaning of “senior member” as related to City Council rules 3B
and 8D.
Recommended that the order has been complied with.

4.   The Committee on Charter and Rules to whom was referred an order From Attorney
Kathleen Degnan, legal opinion regarding context of “senior”
Recommended that the order has been complied with.

5.   The Committee on Charter and Rules to whom was referred an order that City Council
Rule 7B be amended to allow speakers during Public Comment to speak for up to 3
minutes. The current rule allows for up to ten speakers to each speak for 1.5 minutes.
Recommended that the order be adopted, amending the rule to 2 minutes.

6.   The Committee on Charter and Rules to whom was referred an order  that the City
Council establish a rule that requires any resident running to fill a vacant city council
seat will need to obtain 50 signatures from eligible residents in order to be considered
by the full City Council for appointment.
Recommended that the order be given a leave to withdraw.

7.   The Committee on Charter and Rules to whom was referred an order That the City of
Holyoke, through its Honorable City Council and Honorable Mayor, hereby petitions the
Massachusetts General Court to enact legislation “Establishing an Appointed Treasurer
for the City of Holyoke” in the form set forth below; provided, however, that the General
Court may reasonably vary the form and substance of the requested legislation within
the scope of the general public objectives of this petition.
“An Act Establishing an Appointed Treasurer for the City of Holyoke” – This act
proposes to change the City Treasurer from an elected position to an appointed one;
the appointment will be made by the  Mayor, with approval of the City Council, for a      term not to exceed five (5) years and qualifications for the position may be established
by ordinance. If adopted, the Treasurer elected in the 2023 municipal election will fill the
vacancy in the office for the remaining two (2) years, and a Treasurer will be appointed
to the position following the expiration of that term in January 2026 or sooner if the
office is vacated.
Recommended that the order be given a leave to withdraw.

8.   The Committee on Charter and Rules to whom was referred an order That the City of
Holyoke, through its Honorable City Council and Honorable Mayor, hereby petitions the
Massachusetts General Court to enact legislation “Establishing an Appointed Treasurer
for the City of Holyoke” in the form set forth below; provided, however, that the General
Court may reasonably vary the form and substance of the requested legislation within
the scope of the general public objectives of this petition. “An Act Establishing an
Appointed Treasurer for the City of Holyoke” – This act proposes to change the City
Treasurer from an elected position to an appointed one; the appointment will be made
by the City Council, for a term not to exceed five (5) years and qualifications for the
position may be established by ordinance. If adopted, the Treasurer elected in the 2023
municipal election will fill the vacancy in the office for the remaining two (2) years, and a
Treasurer will be appointed to the position following the expiration of that term in
January 2026 or sooner if the office is vacated.
Recommended that the order be adopted, amending “five (5) years” to “three (3) years,”
amending “may be established” to “shall be established,” and removing the clause,
“elected in the 2023 municipal election will fill the vacancy in the office for the remaining
two (2) years, and a Treasurer”

9.   ANDERSON-BURGOS — Ordered that temporary speed humps be placed on
Columbus Ave to see if they will help reduce speeding. Constituent request.

10.  Bartley- DPW PLEASE stripe the “no parking” area on Russell Terrace (east side) asap.
This is alreadydesignated in Ordinance but the striping has been pending for a few
years. Receive, Adopt,
Refer to DPW and please follow-up with the admin. Assistant in 45 days to advise

11.  Bartley- DPW, Emergency Management, HPD and Mayor’s office determine a safety
plan to better warn truckers traveling on Main St. of the iron R/R bridge at Lyman
St.  Yet another collision occurred last week.  Consider checking out the flashing
beacons and warning signs on East Mountain Rd, Westfield.

12.  Bartley- DPW install raised X-walk on South St. at Elmwood Towers.  Similar to either
the ones on Westfield Rd. at Mayer Field and on Main St. at Dean Tech.  Receive,
Adopt & Refer to DPW and Mayor.  Refer to Finance and Public Safety for follow-up.

13.  Bartley- The Veterans Services department head look to expanding the number of signs
on Holyoke’s Purple Heart Trail.  Refer to Veterans Services Dept, War Memorial
Commission and refer to Public Service for a follow-up.

14.  Bartley- City Council present a Proclamation to Barbara Bernard on the occasion of her
well-deservedinduction into the Massachusetts Broadcasters Hall of Fame. (See      attachment for a list of the
honorees – event to take place June 13, 2024 at the Boston Marriott Quincy Hotel)

15.  Bartley- DPW install TEMPORARY NO PARKING signs on the South side of the South
St. X-walk fromElmwood Towers. Please do so immediately so that seniors have a
clearer pathway to see
vehicles prior to crossing. Leave them installed until the Pedestrian Traffic light is
Receive, Adopt and Refer to DPW. Send order to Public Safety for a follow-up to ensure

16.  Bartley- DPW work with MA DOT to remove the dead trees by the US Route 91
overpass at Westfield Rd.  This area is in need of some attention.  Receive, Adopt and
Refer to DPW.  Refer to Public Safety for a follow-up.

17.  Bartley- The City Council present a Proclamation to The Support Network, champions of
emotionalhealth for children, in recognition of the work it does for youth in the
community and to honor
Mental Health Week (May 5-11) in Massachusetts.

18.  Devine- ORDERED that a proclamation be given to Police Chief David Pratt for his over
31 years of dedicated service to the City of Holyoke.

19.  Devine- ORDERED:  That a digital time clock be provided to the President of the City
Council, in the City Council budget for the purposes of keeping time for Public Speak
and City Council rule addition to Rule #6C.

20.  Devine- ORDERED that the City Council consider a rule addition to to RULE 6C
(DECORUM/SPEAKING) adding the following words as a second paragraph:

“No Councilor shall speak more than 4 minutes during debate.  The President/and or
the City Council Administrative Assistant shall keep track of the minutes. A (1) one
minute reminder shall be given at the 3 minute mark during debate.”

21.  Devine- ORDERED that the DPW place a ONE WAY sign facing Pine Street  across
from the Pine Street exit of the Holyoke YMCA

22.  Givner- By constituent requests, order that crosswalks be installed from the parking lot
on canal serving businesses in the block between Water and Appleton streets.
-Public Safety copy to DPW
23.  Givner- In an effort to improve efficiency, order that the last sentence of voting rule K,
from our City Council Rules, be changed to reflect “Motion that the Legal Form be
Ordained, by a majority of the full Council voting in a recorded roll-call vote.”-Charter &
24.  Jourdain- Ordered, that the Joint Committee on City Council and School Committee
review the process for the naming of the new middle school replacing Peck Middle
School at the same location; including, the apparent desire by some to possibly change
the name from Superintendent William R. Peck who was Superintendent of our Schools      from 1920-1963 and a World War 1 Naval Veteran and had this middle school named
for him by the city in 1970.  That the Joint Committee and Law Department also review
our ordinances and rules on naming Holyoke owned facilities and buildings specifically
Chapter 12 of our Ordinances so that we ensure we are following the proper procedure
for the naming of the new school which is a city owned municipal building.

25.  Jourdain, Vacon, Devine, Sullivan, Bartley- Ordered, that the Holyoke City Council go
on record as opposed to the legislation pending in Boston to create a new 2% local
surcharge tax on real estate transactions.  This new surtax would create crippling costs
on our residents and businesses, robbing residents of preciously needed funds, make
home ownership even more unattainable and unaffordable (appx $5,000 tax surcharge
on the average Holyoke home and appx $8,800 on average Holyoke business), and
further reduce economic development in our city.  Holyoke has been deeply committed
to affordable housing for many decades while many other communities do little to
help.  Instead of taxing Holyokers more, the state should be providing resources to
cities like Holyoke who are already doing their fair share.  This new surtax is
unaffordable to Holyokers and allows the state to pass the buck onto cities and towns
instead of meeting its own commitments.  That this resolution be adopted and sent to
our state delegation, Registrar of Deeds Cheryl Coakley-Rivera and the Governor’s

26.  Magrath-Smith- Ordered, that the language from sections 74-32, 74-33, 74-34, and 74-
35 be updated based on guidance from the Board of Public Works and the Recycling
Advisory Committee.

27.  Ocasio- Ordered that Pettiah and Main St.going up or down have, that needs paved

28.  Ocasio- Ordered that James  and Temples from the corner to the center needs to be

29.  Ocasio- Ordered that Meadow St be fixed, residents said that it was filed and send to

30.  Ocasio- Ordered that a Speed Hump  be put on, Main and Temples st . They using the
road as a speedway, tire mark on road.

31.  Ocasio- Ordered that ” No Parking on Grass ” Sign be put up at Springdale Park.

32.  Ocasio- Ordered that they put , another “POOP” staand on the other side. And refill the
one that is already there.

33.  Ocasio- Ordered that they go look at the ” Picnic Tables ” at Springdale Park and
replace with new ones, the cracked and missing screws.

34.  Ocasio- Ordered that someone comes to the City Councilor meeting and explained why
the ” Triffic Light ” that was removed and replaced with ” STOP SIGNS ” what’s the plan.

35.  Ocasio- Ordered that the “Black Fancying  Light Poles” around Clemente St and South
Bridge St,  be turned on for residents safety.never on. 36.  Rivera, J.-Order for the removal of the handicap parking sign currently installed at 36
Northeast Street. The tenant, Lori Bresnahan, has relocated to Easthampton, making
the presence of the handicap sign unnecessary at the specified location.

37.  From Chief David Pratt, Holyoke Police Department, communication in support of
installing a temporary “no parking” sign on South St near Elmwood Towers.


38.  From Mayor Joshua Garcia, letter reappointing Mr. Anthony Luciano, of 24 O’Connor
Ave, to serve as a Commissioner on the Licensing Board. Mr. Luciano will serve six
year term expiring August 30, 2030.

39.  From Mayor Joshua Garcia, letter reappointing Mr. James Sutter of 30 Fairfield Ave. to
serve as a Commissioner on the Gas and Electric.  Mr. Sutter will serve a six year term
expiring July 1, 2030.

40.  From Mayor Joshua Garcia, letter appointing Ms. Astrid deSoete of 13 O’Connor Ave. to
serve as a member on the Recycling Adisory Committee. Ms. deSoete will replace Meg
Magrath-Smith and willserve the remainder of her term expiring August 1, 2026.

41.  From School Committee Member Erin Brunelle, letter of resignation

42.  From City Auditor Tanya Wdowiak, 04-30-2024 GF YTD BUDGET VS ACTUAL

43.  From City Auditor Tanya Wdowiak, 04-30-2024 SEWER ENTERPRISE BUDGET VS

44.  From Board of Fire Commissioners, meeting minutes from March 18, 2024 meeting




45.  The Committee on Ordinance to whom was referred an order Who responsibility to get
names to remove Handicap sign when individuals no longer live there
Recommended that the order has been complied with.

46.  The Committee on Ordinance to whom was referred an order that the DPW install a
handicap sign at 624 South East St. #202 for Syliva Reyes.  Handicap Placard
Recommended that the order be adopted.

47.  The Committee on Ordinance to whom was referred an order  that a handicap sign be
installed at 34 Maple Crest Circle Apt F, for Victor Acoasta.  Handicap Placard number
Recommended that the order has been complied with. 48.  The Committee on Ordinance to whom was referred an order Zone change application from
IG to DR for Holyoke Housing Authority at 662, 666, 674, 680, 702, and 710 South East
Street (029-09-009 through 019) to build rental and homeownership units.
Recommended that the order be adopted.

49.  The Committee on Finance to whom was referred an order that in accordance with
M.G.L. Chapter 44 Sec. 53A, the City Council hereby accepts the provisions of the
grant and authorizes the establishment of a Fund or other method appropriate for the
accounting of the receipts and expenditures of all resources associated with the
administration of said grant.

Sec 2-509 – Grant Reporting
Any city department, of which has received grant funding by approval of the city council
pursuant to Massachusetts General Laws, or any other authorizing criteria, shall within
a reasonable period of time, but no later than 60 days from the conclusion of said grant,
generate a detailed report which outlines the planned outcomes with the documented
actual results. Said report shall be submitted to the city clerk for addition to the city
council’s next agenda.
Recommended that the order be adopted.

50.  The Committee on Finance to whom was referred an order that there be and is hereby
appropriated by transfer in the fiscal year 2024, ONE THOUSAND AND 00/100 Dollars
($1,000) as follows:

11751-51223    DEVELOPMENTAL SPECIALIST        $1,000
TOTAL:    $1,000
11751-51300    OVERTIME        $1,000
TOTAL:    $1,000
Recommended that the order be adopted.

51.  The Committee on Finance to whom was referred an order  From Retirement Board,
communication regarding COLA
Recommended that the order be adopted.

52.  The Committee on Finance to whom was referred an order that there be and is hereby
appropriated by transfer in the fiscal year 2024, THIRTY THOUSAND AND 00/100
Dollars ($30,000) as follows:

12201-51105    FIREFIGHTERS        $30,000
TOTAL:    $30,000
12201-51300    OVERTIME        $30,000
TOTAL:    $30,000
Recommended that the order be adopted. 53.  The Committee on Finance to whom was referred an order that there be and is hereby
appropriated by transfer in the fiscal year 2024, FOUR THOUSAND ONE HUNDRED
THIRTY SIX AND 00/100 Dollars ($4,136) as follows:

12101-51204    POLICE PT PRINCIPAL CLERK        $4,136
TOTAL:    $4,136
12101-51110    POLICE PRINCIPAL CLERK        $2,336
12101-51201    MATRON        1,800
TOTAL:    $4,136
Recommended that the order be adopted.
54.  The Committee on Finance to whom was referred an order From Community
Preservation Act Committee, FY25 CPA Budget Proposal
Recommended that the order be adopted.

55.  The Committee on Finance to whom was referred an order that there be and is hereby
appropriated by transfer in the fiscal year 2024, FOUR THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED
FIFTY AND 00/100 Dollars ($4,750) as follows:

11451-51103    DEPUTY TREASURER        $4,750
TOTAL:    $4,750
11451-51300    OVERTIME         $4,750
TOTAL:    $4,750
Recommended that the order be adopted.
56.  The Committee on Finance to whom was referred an order that there be and is hereby
appropriated by transfer in the fiscal year 2024, THIRTEEN THOUSAND AND 00/100
Dollars ($13,000) as follows:

14211-51306    ADMIN OVERTIME-SUPERVISORS – DPW        $13,000
TOTAL:    $13,000
14301-51400    REFUSE PAY-LONGEVITY         $750
12941-51300    FORESTRY PAY- OVERTIME         1,600
14101-51400    PARKS PAY-LONGEVITY         1,000
14211-51300    ADMIN PAY-OVERTIME         2,000
14212-53190    ADMIN EDUCATION EXPENSE        2,000
14222-52505    PROPERTY R&M SENIOR CENTER        4,000
14222-52514    PROPERTY R&M N HOLYOKE FIRE STATION        1,000
14261-51400    AUTO PAY-LONGEVITY         650
TOTAL:    $13,000
Recommended that the order be adopted. 57.  The Committee on Finance to whom was referred an order that there be and is hereby
appropriated by transfer in the fiscal year 2024, FORTY FIVE THOUSAND AND 00/100
Dollars ($45,000) as follows:

14101-51105    PAY-SR CIVIL ENGINEER        $20,000
14101-51101    PAY-ENGINEER        25,000
TOTAL:    $45,000
14102-53010    PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICES        $45,000
TOTAL:    $45,000
Recommended that the order be adopted.

58.  The Committee on Finance to whom was referred an order
WHEREAS:: Mass. General Law, Chapter 440, Section 5B authorizes a municipality to
create a stabilization fund for a specified purpose and to appropriate amounts thereto,
provided that such action is effective for at least three years and;

WHEREAS: Chapter 77 of the General Acts of 2023 eliminated the minimum three year
provision and authorizes a municipality to terminate a specialized stabilization fund at
any time and;

WHEREAS: the City of Holyoke,through its City Council, had voted in June, 2023 to
create such a fund to accumulate revenue received from the Massachusetts Statewide
Opioid Settlement and;

WHEREAS; The City of Holyoke now wishes to terminate the Opioid Settlement
Stabilization Fund and the dedication of revenues received from the settlement as
authorized under Chapter 77 of the Acts of 2023.and to create a special revenue fund
for ongoing opioid settlement revenues as authorized by the Department of Revenue
(as per attached DOR  Bulletin-2023-7).


The stabilization fund created in June, 2023 to receive opioid settlement funds and the
dedication of any revenues thereto is hereby terminated as authorized by Chapter 77 of
the Acts of 2023 and under MGL Chapter 40, Section 5B.
Recommended that the order be adopted.

59.  The Committee on Finance to whom was referred an order that the city engineer
provide a list/layout of non-accepted roads and come in to discuss options to fixing the
Recommended that the order has been complied with.

60.  — The Committee on Finance to whom was referred an order That the City Council
conduct a comprehensive study of employee safety for the benefit of our Holyoke
municipal employees and our taxpayers.  The City Council should invite in the
Personnel Director, our Workers’ Comp representatives, Mayor, law department,
department heads, union leadership, and others as needed to gather all of the        information we need to study the root causes of employee injuries, how they are
handled, how are they mitigated, how are we handling risk management to avoid future
losses.  Our goal should be to keep employees safe, reduce lost hours, productivity and
overall cost to the city.  We need to collect all relevant data including a prior 3 year
report tracking injury claims, workers’ comp claims, injured on duty claims, and
related.  Ideally, the City Council will produce a report within 6 months on its findings in
conjunction with all key stakeholders.
Recommended that the order be given a leave to withdraw.

61.    The Committee on Public Safety to whom was referred an order that the city creates a
Certificate of Occupancy program that works to inspect rental units in order to acquire
the certificate. Certification is based on passing State Safety and Sanitation Codes on a
regular basis (not more than 3 year cycles, less for continuously problematic properties)
for properties with 3 or more units. Send to Public Safety.
Recommended that the order be given a leave to withdraw.

62.    The Committee on Public Safety to whom was referred an order That the board of health/ health
Commission please be invited to attend to discuss if changes are possible to the changes to the Tobacco
license issuance policy that supports common sense economic growth on a case by case basis and also
protects public health. That they also please discuss syringe access and whether common sense
changes can be made. Ex: 1 for 1 exchange
Recommended that the order be given a leave to withdraw.

63.    The Committee on Public Safety to whom was referred an order that the city’s law department along with
public health come in and elaborate on the status of the property in the corner of Lyman and No.
Recommended that the order has been complied with.

64.    The Committee on Public Safety to whom was referred an order Mayor and Building Dept/Board of
Health/Law Dept please provide the City Council with a status report on the demolition and resolution of
the dangerous abandoned building at 27-29 Cabot Street and 510 South Bridge Street (Parcel ID 031-01-
014 owned by Next Realty Inc. with Corporate President of Shakeel Ahmed Butt of 10 Patriot Parkway in
Weymouth, MA). Fencing is no longer safely enclosing the property and it has a dangerous debris field
and is an attractive nuisance for children.
According to my records, there was a fire there in September 2021 and another fire in April 2022. It has
been vacant from even before these fires. Please report if the owner is paying the vacant building fee and
when this building is going to be demolished since it seems inconceivable that it will be restored. This has
gone on for too long and is a danger to residents.
Recommended that the order has been complied with.

65.    — The Committee on Public Safety to whom was referred an order that the Cannabis Commission create
a regulation that retail marijuana products be required to have a health safety warning. This is needed in
light of studies showing significant medical emergencies among children and adolescents as well as
adults, due to marijuana use.
Recommended that the order be given a leave to withdraw.

66.    — The Committee on Public Safety to whom was referred an order The DPW and Mayor locate public
spaces where trash and recycling receptacles can be placed and maintained. This should start off as a
pilot program and it will require funding and management to ensure the debris/recycling bins are
maintained but hopefully it will be a success and Holyoke can expand its scope.
Recommended that the order be given a leave to withdraw. 67.  — The Committee on Public Safety to whom was referred an order  that Order that the public safety
committee invite in the water dept to discuss and address the water issues on Michelle lane.
Recommended that the order be given a leave to withdraw.

68.  — The Committee on Public Safety to whom was referred an order that the Board of Health, Community
Development, and Mayor do a survey of City Hall and the annex building in order to prioritize the top
needs for improvements of the two buildings (I.e. elevators, mold removal, carpets, etc).
Recommended that the order be given a leave to withdraw.

69.  — The Committee on Public Safety to whom was referred an order City Engineer review
options to improve road safety at Queen and Cherry St. Issue: trucks exiting Queen St. are
seen driving over the median strip and making an illegal left-hand turn onto Cherry St. (Rt.
Recommended that the order be given a leave to withdraw.

70.  — The Committee on Public Safety to whom was referred an order that the city council
invite the Mayor, Community Development, Parks & Recreation Department as well as
Public health to a Public Safety committee meeting to discuss developing so form of
community coalition around addressing homelessness, substance abuse, and youth
Recommended that the order be given a leave to withdraw.

71.  — The Committee on Public Safety to whom was referred an order  That the
City/DPW/Public Safety Committee review and determine how to close Wyckoff Ave from
Northampton Street, similar to that on 202.
Recommended that the order be given a leave to withdraw.

72.  — The Committee on Public Safety to whom was referred an order The City Council and
Mayor in conjunction with our department heads develop a comprehensive “Clean Holyoke
Initiative” that develops a strategy to clean and beautify Holyoke by providing the plan and
resources to get it done. Our future success as a city will in part count on being a beautiful,
clean city.
Recommended that the order has been complied with.

73.  — The Committee on Public Safety to whom was referred an order that a camera be
placed on Homestead Avenue to be used to enforce “no truck traffic after 8PM.”
Recommended that the order be given a leave to withdraw.

74.  — The Committee on Public Safety to whom was referred an order he City Engineer
present a plan to the City council public safety committee to improve lower Whiting Farms
Rd for the following conditions:  motorists regularly ignore the “no left turn” into the former
K-Mart Plaza thus cutting across traffic and motorists do so by angling around the cement
barrier which causes potential hazardous driving conditions.  Moreover, if motorists do
abide by the “no left turn” they often make an illegal U-turn in front of the bay doors at HFD
Station 5 that may further negatively impact public safety.  Please advise on a best course
of action bearing in mind that K-Mart is no longer an ongoing concern today but will be once
Recommended that the order has been complied with.

75.  — The Committee on Public Safety to whom was referred an order  The city engineer
review the signaling at the Maple St / South St. / Parenteau Dr intersection.  Multiple
accidents and near-accidents have occurred there over the years as motorists from Maple      St turn Left against oncoming traffic on South St (heading downtown). The intersection is
proximate to the former  Whole Donut and the Fitzpatrick Ice Rink.  Refer to Public Safety
with copy to City Engineer.
Recommended that the order be given a leave to withdraw.

76.  The Committee on Charter and Rules to whom was referred an order that the Joint City
Council and School Committee have a standing order to report to the City Council on
meeting topics originating from the School Committee.
Recommended that the order be adopted.

77.  The Committee on Charter and Rules to whom was referred an order amend Rule 6E
by adding the following: that no member of the City Council shall make references to or
about another member but in respectful terms whether inside or outside the City Council
Chambers including on social media.
Recommended that the order be referred to the full Council without recommendation.

78.  The Committee on Charter and Rules to whom was referred an order  add a new Rule
6G that no member shall make any external statements, social media posts, or texts
regarding City Council business during any meeting of the City Council or its
committees in the spirit of the open meeting law.
Recommended that the order be adopted..

79.  The Committee on Charter and Rules to whom was referred an order That City Council
rule 9 (Committees) Section (P) be amended to change 45 days to 60 days.   New
language: All orders sent to any subcommittee be acted upon (taken up, not disposed
of) within 60 days shall be deemed tabled.
Recommended that the order be given a leave to withdraw.

80.  The Committee on Charter and Rules to whom was referred an order that City Council
Rule 9P be modified to add: Only those items that are reasonably expected to be taken
up at the meeting (per open meeting law) will be published on the meeting
agenda.  Items “deemed tabled” by virtue of their existence in the committee jacket for
45 days will not be published on the active agenda.  Listing every item in the entire
committee jacket on every agenda will create confusing agendas for Councilors and the
general public when the vast majority of items will never be considered at that meeting
and create the false impression that they will be.  This will create an absurd result that
appears to be a violation of the Open Meeting Law.
Recommended that the order has been complied with.

81.  The Committee on Charter and Rules to whom was referred an order that City Council
rule 10.D  be revisited in discussion. D. Every month the City Council invite in a Holyoke
School Student to lead in the Pledge of  Allegiance.
Recommended that the order be referred to the Joint City Council and School


82.  Vacon- ORDER: trim the low branches on two city trees across from #88 Meadowbrook
Rd. The low branches are hitting vehicles and causing drivers to move into the wrong
lane. 83.  Vacon- ORDER: Request HG&E to add a street light on pole #32-12 on Whiting Farms
Rd.  This is a request from a resident at Tokeneke.

84.  Bartley- That certain city departments review two matters proximate to 61 Lawler St:  (a)
City Forster inspect the tree to see if it needs to be trimmed or removed; (b) the DPW
take corrective action to fix the raised sidewalk.  Receive, Adopt and Refer.  Send to
Public Safety for a follow-up.

85.  Barltey- City Forester and Conservation Commissioner please review the tree belts in
Elmwood to suggest places for new plantings.  Several constituents are requesting
them throughout the Ward.  Refer to these departments and DCR (Sarah) for a follow-
up at a future Public Safety meeting.  Our goal is to have many new trees planted in the
Fall of this year.

86.  Bartley, Ocasio- The City determine a more efficient manner to remove
Handicap/Disability signs.  Perhaps a database should be maintained by the Clerk.  City
addresses with Handicap/Disability signs in front of a parcel’s address should
maintained and made public.  Further, for example, on an annual basis, each addressee
with such a sign should be notified and must affirm whether or not the sign should
remain.  Refer to Ordinance for a follow-up.

87.  Bartley- The conservation commissioner be invited to attend a future DGR meeting to
provide an update on the construction in and around Scott’s Tower.  Please be
prepared to address the issue of water run-off to the pond owned by the abutter at 5
Lindor Heights.  Refer to DGR and Conservation Commission.

88.  Devine- ORDERED: that the City Council do a Proclamation declaring May – “Lupis
Awareness Month” and present it to Pioneer Valley Lupis Awareness Support Group

89.  Devine- Ordered, that there be and is hereby appropriated by transfer in the fiscal year
($7,712.00) as follows:

2602-10400    TNC RIDESHARE        $7,712.00
TOTAL:    $7,712.00
11752-53010    OPED-OTHER CONTRACTED SERVICES        $7,712.00
TOTAL:    $7,712.00

90.  GIVNER – Ordered that the City Council approve a license agreement between the City
of Holyoke and Verizon for relocation of cables at the Anniversary Hill Park project
located at Scott Tower Road in Holyoke, MA.

91.  Givner- Order that upon constituent request, that a stop sign be placed at the corner of
where Larkin and Willow St. meet. 92.  Murphy-Romboletti- ordered that the City Council receive the letter of resignation from
School Committee Member Erin Brunelle and works to schedule a joint meeting with the
School Committee to fill the position.

93.  Rivera I.-Order that representatives of the Water Department come in to DGR and
elaborate on processing fee attached to payment when using a credit/debit card when
processing payment. Constituents have raised concerns on how much the are being
charged on top of their water bill.

94.  Rivera I- Order that representatives of the Holyoke Public Schools and STCC
(specifically Dean tech) come into DGR and elaborate on the “After Dark” programming
that will be soon launching at the Dean Tech school site.

95.  Rivera I.- Order that the city put out an RFP to do a study on our finances, specifically
focusing on tax revenue brought in and how it is spent throughout the community. This
analysis is important in order for the city to have a better understanding of how much
tax money is allocated in different parts of communities vs the subsidization of state and
federal funding.

96.  Rivera I.- Order that Parks and Rec, along with the school department come into Public
Safety to discuss the management and maintenance    of parks that are on school
property. There has been much confusion as to who is responsible for what and it is
important for the city get a formal understanding so that we are able to better fund
things are needed.
97.  Rivera I.- Order that Health Commissioners representing the board of health come into
DGR and discuss the Tobacco license issuance policy and how it may or may not align
with the city’s economic development plans around supporting small business growth
and tourism.

98.  Rivera I.- Order that DPW and Sewer put together a study and present on the potential
benefits of adopting a sewer maintenance program similar to the one run at the Water

99.  Rivera I.- Order that Members of the parks & Rec Commission be invited in to Public
safety to discuss plans around Springdale park as well as what the plans or if any
support is needed in potential park improvement throughout the city.

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