Zapatos Rojos – Motoko

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Zapatos Rojos presents a conversation with storyteller, Motoko.

Motoko Dworkin, a multi award winning storyteller and teaching artist has made Massachusetts her home since the mid-80s. She has been sharing traditional Japanese tales and original stories across the U.S. for 25 years. As a bilingual and bicultural storyteller she draws heavily from Japanese folklore, literature, media, and scholarly and journalistic materials, both traditional and contemporary. She loves languages, and strives to translate inherently Japanese ideas. Her goal is to create stories whose characters the audience can identify and empathize with, immediately and intimately. “I work at crafting my words to share vivid imagery in order to transport my audience in time and place.” In the end, Motoko’s motivation is to foster understanding among cultures through our shared humanity.

Motoko will be at the Holyoke Public Library on July 30th with a program for teens, and on August 6th for a children’s program.

Zapatos Rojos is hosted and produced by Gabriela Alcántara Pohls.


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