Community Preservation Act Committee 8/14/2024

 In Community Preservation Act Committee, Government Meetings, Video

1. Review and approve minutes from the June Meeting
2. Daniel Koff Contract Renewal
3. Wistariahurst- Megan Seiler will join us to request a change in the scope of work for the
Engineering Study/ Chimney project
4. Quarterly Reports- discussion about removing them due to new disbursement forms
5. Campaign and Political Finance Guidelines/ discussion relating to upcoming ballot question
6. Sign discussion
a. Korean Conflict Memorial
b. City Hall Stained Glass
c. Cemeteries and other sites of remembrance
d. Locations receiving multiple grants
7. Contract updates
8. General discussion about how we are promoting CPA to potential applicants and ways we
may improve
9. Updates from the Chair
a. Pulaski Park Study – Drain Project
b. Fire Truck Restoration Project
c. Overview of meetings I’ve held
d. Event, banners and pamphlet
e. Application timeline
9. Other

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