HCMI Board Meeting Meeting April 18, 2024

 In Board Minutes

In attendance:

Scott MacPherson, E.D.
Denis Luzuriaga, Vice President (remote)
Jennifer Myszkowski, President (remote)
Carey Baker
Mike Hines (remote)
Ismary Santiago  (remote)
Carolyn Rogers-Harris, Clerk
Vinnie Bonilla (remote)

Not in attendance:

Daniel O’Sullivan, Treasurer
Jayne Melendez

Call to order: 6:34pm

Acceptance of prior meeting minutes – March 21, 2024

  • Motion to accept prior meeting minutes: Vinnie
  • Second: Ismary
  • Vote: Unanimous, motion carries.

Director’s Report

P and L

Balance Sheet

Q1 Budget Reconciliation

  • Many events
    • Two events per week, setting max. at three per week
    • Filling summer schedule, working on fall
    • Many active youth groups
  • Cable Contract
    • Discussions in process
  • Annual arts event coming up
  • Arts Hub Project (Ad Hoc Art Committee)
  • Motion to accept Budget documents:  Denis
    • Second: Mike
    • Vote: Unanimous, motion carries.

Old Business

  • Marketing/Development Committee:  Carey reports they are creating a list of questions, and Scott will attend their next meeting.
    • Marketing update – Many website updates to happen, Carey will perform an audit
    • Ticketing – recouping funds – no update at this time
    • Membership update – 350 members
    • Newsletter and linking our events to it – 
    • Presence of Board at events in our space – 
    • Grants and other fundraising – Marketing v. Finance
    • Sponsorship scheme – Currently developing tiers and plans 
  • Facility & Technology Committee:  Carolyn will schedule a meeting
    • Check in on sign repair – Scott is working on this
    • Replacing BoxCast for video hosting – Scott tested system, it went well.  Next steps include getting some hardware in place, then more testing.
    • Building Insurance – 
  • Personnel Committee – Meeting is taking place 4/29/24 @ 5:30 
    • Current staff check-in?
    • Funding staff person to manage the event space
    • Diversity:
      • Establishment of youth advisory committee
      • Diversity statement update – 
      • Latest anti-racism consultant actions
    • Health insurance – 
  • Finance Committee:   Takes place at 6:00 pm the week before the regular meeting
    • Budget – has been approved

New business

  • None

Task review and due dates

  • Carolyn will schedule Facility & Technology Committee meeting
  • Carey is doing a website audit
  • Scott will share BoxCast info

Motion to adjourn:

  • Motion: Carey
  • Second: Ismary
  • Vote: Unanimous, the Board of Directors meeting is adjourned

7:50 pm: Adjourn

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