City Council Special Meeting2/24/2025
En Español
1. The Committee on Finance to whom was referred an order From Sean Sheedy, Maintenance Admin for Holyoke Public Schools, 2-4-2025 SOI ARP PROJECTS HPS
Recommended that the order be adopted.
2. The Committee on Finance to whom was referred an order that the City of Holyoke appropriates the amount of One Hundred Thousand ($100,000) Dollars for the purpose of paying costs of conducting a Schematic Design Study at Kelly Elementary School located at 216 West Street Holyoke MA 01040 for a potential roof replacement, including the payment of all costs incidental or related thereto (the “Project”), which proposed repair project would materially extend the useful life of the school and preserve an asset that otherwise is capable of supporting the required educational program, and for which the City of Holyoke has applied for a grant from the Massachusetts School Building Authority (“MSBA”), said amount to be expended under the direction of Mayor Joshua Garcia. To meet this appropriation the Treasurer, with the approval of the Mayor is authorized to borrow said amount under and pursuant to M.G.L. Chapter 44, Section 7, Chapter 70B, or any other enabling authority. The City of Holyoke acknowledges that the MSBA’s grant program is a non-entitlement, discretionary program based on need, as determined by the MSBA, and if the MSBA’s Board of Directors votes to invite the City to collaborate with the MSBA on this proposed repair project, any project costs the City of Holyoke incurs in excess of any grant that may be approved by and received from the MSBA shall be the sole responsibility of the City of Holyoke; and that, if invited to collaborate with the MSBA on the proposed repair project, the amount of borrowing authorized pursuant to this vote shall be reduced by any grant amount set forth in the Project Funding Agreement that may be executed between the City of Holyoke and the MSBA.
FURTHER ORDERED: That the Treasurer is authorized to file an application to qualify under Chapter 44A of the General Laws any and all of the bonds or notes authorized to be issued pursuant to this Order, and to provide such information and execute such documents as may be required for such purposes.
Further Ordered: That there shall be no change in the purpose of this bond authorization without prior vote of approval by the Holyoke City Council
Recommended that the order be adopted.
3. The Committee on Finance to whom was referred an order That the City of Holyoke appropriates the amount of One Hundred Thousand($100,000) Dollars for the purpose of paying costs of conducting a Schematic Design Study at Lt Elmer J McMahon Elementary School located at 75 Kane Road Holyoke MA 01040 for a potential roof replacement, including the payment of all costs incidental or related thereto (the “Project”), which proposed repair project would materially extend the useful life of the school and preserve an asset that otherwise is capable of supporting the required educational program, and for which the City of Holyoke has applied for a grant from the Massachusetts School Building Authority (“MSBA”), said amount to be expended under the direction of Mayor Joshua Garcia. To meet this appropriation the Treasurer, with the approval of the Mayor is authorized to borrow said amount under and pursuant to M.G.L. Chapter 44, Section 7, Chapter 70B, or any other enabling authority. The City of Holyoke acknowledges that the MSBA’s grant program is a non-entitlement, discretionary program based on need, as determined by the MSBA, and if the MSBA’s Board of Directors votes to invite the City to collaborate with the MSBA on this proposed repair project, any project costs the City of Holyoke incurs in excess of any grant that may be approved by and received from the MSBA shall be the sole responsibility of the City of Holyoke; and that, if invited to collaborate with the MSBA on the proposed repair project, the amount of borrowing authorized pursuant to this vote shall be reduced by any grant amount set forth in the Project Funding Agreement that may be executed between the City of Holyoke and the MSBA.
FURTHER ORDERED: That the Treasurer is authorized to file an application to qualify under Chapter 44A of the General Laws any and all of the bonds or notes authorized to be issued pursuant to this Order, and to provide such information and execute such documents as may be required for such purposes.
Further Ordered: That there shall be no change in the purpose of this bond authorization without prior vote of approval by the Holyoke City Council
Recommended that the order be adopted.
4. The Committee on Finance to whom was referred an order That the City of Holyoke appropriates the amount of Seventy-Five Thousand($75,000) Dollars for the purpose of paying costs of conducting a Schematic Design Study at Lt Clayre Sullivan Elementary School located at 400 Jarvis Avenue Holyoke MA 01040 for a potential partial roof replacement, including the payment of all costs incidental or related thereto (the “Project”), which proposed repair project would materially extend the useful life of the school and preserve an asset that otherwise is capable of supporting the required educational program, and for which the City of Holyoke has applied for a grant from the Massachusetts School Building Authority(“MSBA”), said amount to be expended under the direction of mayor Joshua Garcia.To meet this appropriation the Treasurer, with the approval of the Mayor is authorized to borrow said amount under and pursuant to M.G.L. Chapter 44, Section 7, Chapter 70B, or any other enabling authority. The City of Holyoke acknowledges that the MSBA’s grant program is a non-entitlement, discretionary program based on need, as determined by the MSBA, and if the MSBA’s Board of Directors votes to invite the City to collaborate with the MSBA on this proposed repair project, any project costs the City of Holyoke incurs in excess of any grant that may be approved by and received from the MSBA shall be the sole responsibility of the City of Holyoke; and that, if invited to collaborate with the MSBA on the proposed repair project, the amount of borrowing authorized pursuant to this vote shall be reduced by any grant amount set forth in the Project Funding Agreement that may be executed between the City of Holyoke and the MSBA.
FURTHER ORDERED: That the Treasurer is authorized to file an application to qualify under Chapter 44A of the General Laws any and all of the bonds or notes authorized to be issued pursuant to this Order, and to provide such information and execute such documents as may be required for such purposes.
Further Ordered: That there shall be no change in the purpose of this bond authorization without prior vote of approval by the Holyoke City Council
Recommended that the order be adopted.
5. The Committee on Finance to whom was referred an order That the City of Holyoke appropriates the amount of One Hundred and Fifty Thousand ($150,000) Dollars for the purpose of paying costs of conducting a Schematic Design Study at Holyoke High School located at 500 Beech Street Holyoke MA 01040 for a potential roof replacement, including the payment of all costs incidental or related thereto (the “Project”), which proposed repair project would materially extend the useful life of the school and preserve an asset that otherwise is capable of supporting the required educational program, and for which the City of Holyoke has applied for a grant from the Massachusetts School Building Authority (“MSBA”), said amount to be expended under the direction of Mayor Joshua Garcia. To meet this appropriation the Treasurer, with the approval of the Mayor is authorized to borrow said amount under and pursuant to M.G.L. Chapter 44, Section 7, Chapter 70B, or any other enabling authority. The City of Holyoke acknowledges that the MSBA’s grant program is a non-entitlement, discretionary program based on need, as determined by the MSBA, and if the MSBA’s Board of Directors votes to invite the City to collaborate with the MSBA on this proposed repair project, any project costs the City of Holyoke incurs in excess of any grant that may be approved by and received from the MSBA shall be the sole responsibility of the City of Holyoke; and that, if invited to collaborate with the MSBA on the proposed repair project, the amount of borrowing authorized pursuant to this vote shall be reduced by any grant amount set forth in the Project Funding Agreement that may be executed between the City of Holyoke and the MSBA.
FURTHER ORDERED: That the Treasurer is authorized to file an application to qualify under Chapter 44A of the General Laws any and all of the bonds or notes authorized to be issued pursuant to this Order, and to provide such information and execute such documents as may be required for such purposes.
Further Ordered: That there shall be no change in the purpose of this bond authorization without prior vote of approval by the Holyoke City Council
Recommended that the order be adopted.
6. The Committee on Finance to whom was referred an order That the City of Holyoke appropriates the amount of Seventy-Five Thousand($75,000) Dollars for the purpose of paying costs of conducting a Schematic Design Study at Maurice A Donahue Elementary School located at 210 Whiting Farms Road Holyoke MA 01040 for a potential partial roof replacement, including the payment of all costs incidental or related thereto (the “Project”), which proposed repair project would materially extend the useful life of the school and preserve an asset that otherwise is capable of supporting the required educational program, and for which the City of Holyoke has applied for a grant from the Massachusetts School Building Authority (“MSBA”), said amount to be expended under the direction of Mayor Joshua Garcia. To meet this appropriation the Treasurer, with the approval of the Mayor is authorized to borrow said amount under and pursuant to M.G.L. Chapter 44, Section 7, Chapter 70B, or any other enabling authority. The City of Holyoke acknowledges that the MSBA’s grant program is a non-entitlement, discretionary program based on need, as determined by the MSBA, and if the MSBA’s Board of Directors votes to invite the City to collaborate with the MSBA on this proposed repair project, any project costs the City of Holyoke incurs in excess of any grant that may be approved by and received from the MSBA shall be the sole responsibility of the City of Holyoke; and that, if invited to collaborate with the MSBA on the proposed repair project, the amount of borrowing authorized pursuant to this vote shall be reduced by any grant amount set forth in the Project Funding Agreement that may be executed between the City of Holyoke and the MSBA.
FURTHER ORDERED: That the Treasurer is authorized to file an application to qualify under Chapter 44A of the General Laws any and all of the bonds or notes authorized to be issued pursuant to this Order, and to provide such information and execute such documents as may be required for such purposes.
Further Ordered: That there shall be no change in the purpose of this bond authorization without prior vote of approval by the Holyoke City Council
Recommended that the order be adopted.
7. The Committee on Finance to whom was referred an order that there be and is hereby appropriated by transfer in the fiscal year 2025, THIRTY THREE THOUSAND AND 00/100 Dollars ($33,000) as follows:
14101-51105 SR CIVIL ENGINEER $ 17,000
TOTAL $33,000
TOTAL $33,000