Code of Conduct
The Holyoke Media community is founded on mutual respect. The facility is a place where people should feel comfortable openly expressing themselves, collaborating and respectfully disagreeing. Our members and their guests should expect a workspace in which they are able to create and collaborate productively. Our facilities are open to members and visitors who are there to participate in productions, attend public meetings or for other approved purposes. Help us keep Holyoke Media a safe, clean and pleasant place to create and collaborate by being considerate of all Holyoke Media Members.
Respect and courtesy for other scheduled or would-be users is fundamental to the studio’s success for all.
Failure to abide by any of the rules listed below may result in losing access to Holyoke Media equipment, facilities and services:
Treat people with respect: The Holyoke Media community values dignity. Disruptive, hostile, abusive or threatening behavior or language and harassment in any form are not allowed.
Treat the facility with respect: Holyoke Media’s production spaces and equipment are here for you to use while making video or audio content. Misuse or unauthorized use of resources, including office and production equipment, tampering with equipment or wiring, and recording without permission is forbidden. The only animals permitted on-site are registered service animals.
Keep the facility safe: Our production studio is a place where everyone should feel safe and secure. Possession of weapons; unauthorized use of alcohol; use of illegal substances; smoking, vaping, or open flames; or any criminal act as defined by federal, state or local law are not allowed.
Holyoke Media is a nonprofit: Commercial activities, advertising, sales or solicitation are prohibited.
Help us support this community: These rules and values are here to help this community thrive. Disregard of these or other posted guidelines, or disregard of staff attempts to enforce these rules will result in a loss of access.
Members are encouraged to resolve difficulties on an individual level, but please let us know if you need assistance mediating an issue. Holyoke Media reserves the right to suspend privileges to and remove from the premises anyone who engages in prohibited conduct, fails to adhere to the standards of contact set forth herein, behaves erratically, may be under the influence of alcohol or drugs, or participates in any other conduct Holyoke Media deems unacceptable.