Ask: Qua’nae Golston-Thomas Asks Tom Reynolds about the Holyoke Parks & Rec Department

 In Ask, Community Producers, Video

Holyoke High School Junior Qua’nae Golston-Thomas asks Tom Reynolds, director of the Holyoke Parks and Recreation Department about the parks, trails and events the department manages.

Linda Pratt of Holyoke produces the series, “Ask,” in which she or others ask municipal workers about their departments and jobs.

“Holyoke Parks and Recreation seeks to develop and promote a wide variety of recreation opportunities and to encourage and inspire all Holyoke residents to come out and play in Holyoke. We offer citywide events, neighborhood festivals and year-round recreational activities that truly enhance the quality of life for the people of Holyoke – 365 days a year. There is always something to see and do in one of our vibrant parks or recreation facilities each and every day. You will find a program, an activity or a special place that brings you back again and again. We are just around the corner, we have something for everyone, and the benefits are endless. For Parks & Recreation event information, please visit the city calendar here.

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