His official Navy photograph in sailor’s uniform forever shows a radiant smile and even as that smile crinkles his eyes almost shut, from his eyes you see a young man […]
On Tuesday MassHire held a drive-up job fair where pedestrians and drivers could easily access job opportunities in different career fields. For more information about how MassHire Career Center [...]
Holyoke Media’s youth host, Kiara Rosario welcomes Eddie Caisse III to our studio, to talk about the 2023 edition of the Back to School event that will take place at […]
From the petition of Holyoke resident Tyrone Bowie, through the hands of Ward 4 City Councilor Kocayne Givner and to the desk of Mayor Joshua García, May 19 is now […]
Among the items that drew the most discussion at the City Council meeting last week: The reappointment of longtime community advocate Ms. Theresa Cooper-Gordon, Kuji, as a Commissioner of the [...]
This week City Councilors held three different committee meetings. Perhaps most importantly, given the impact it will have on all property owners’ tax bills, Major Joshua García announced [...]
A proposal to establish a police commission, now in its third try over a decade, was addressed by the Public Safety Committee. • Item 4: 4-4-23 RIVERA_I, GIVNER, MALDONADO VELEZ, […]
Thanks to $22M in grants from the US Department of Transportation, Wakefield, Westfield and Holyoke each received funds to replace leaky gas pipes. The Biden Administration has been working with [...]
The Holyoke City Council of this week may be best remembered for residents calling out City Councilors Kevin Jourdain and David Bartley for disrespectful behavior at the last City Council meeting [...]
The Community Preservation Act Committee presented to the Finance Committee six recommendations its members believe should be funded. A summary of the recommendations follows. To view the [...]