In an effort to provide a more complex perspective of military service that addresses the intersectionality of what it meant/means to be Black and to serve in the Military, this […]
El Arte y la Cultura AfroPuertorriqueña Invitado – Edwin Velázquez Collazo artista plástico, curador, critico de arte y gestor cultural puertorriqueño Para más información sobre su [...]
Autora. Poeta. Dramaturgoa. Libretista. Magdalena Gómez is Poet Laureate of Springfield, MA, where she co-founded Teatro V!da, a performing arts collective; she is also an Academy of American [...]
On June 6, 2022, a flag raising ceremony outside of City Hall took place for the annual observance of Pride Month. In this event, City Councilor at-large, Juan Anderson-Burgos (he/him) […]
Historian Christopher Daley, presents an entertaining overview of the 1920’s, showcasing world events, political events, prohibition, organized crime as well as the style, fashion and [...]
Quiero Volver: A Xingonx Ritual Opera manifest. This is a creative work by Doctora Diana Álvarez, multidisciplinary artist. During this conversation at Easthampton CitySpace, we learned the [...]
This is the recording of the presentation of The Story of Westover Field, with historian author, Stephen Jendrysik, a lifelong resident of Chicopee, discussing the Story of Westover Field from [...]
In this webinar, local and regional artists from the African Diaspora discuss art, mentorship and the multi-site art exhibition Abstract Black. The panel includes: Aisha Russell, [...]
It’s National Teachers Day! In appreciation to all the work teachers do, Catherine Gobron, Executive Director of LightHouse Holyoke, shares a message to LightHouse teachers and all teachers in [...]
El conocido Chef Piñeiro está de visita en Holyoke, desde Puerto Rico. Y tuvimos la oportunidad de conversar con él en Fiesta Café en 305 Main Street en South Holyoke. […]