Felice Caivano

 In Arts, Arts and Culture, History, News

Felice Caivano is a visual artist. She is chair of the Visual Art Department at Holyoke Community College, and Fine Arts Curator at Trinity College. In this video, Caivano shares the details of her exhibit Women’s Work, at Wistariahurst. The exhibit displays three major pieces: Uncredited, VOTE, and When.


Uniting hundreds of doilies in the Wistariahurst Gallery, Uncredited, is an installation that allows for what has been traditionally the domain of the personal to dwell in the public. This work utilizes the traditional needle art of doilies to draw attention to markers of identity, shared experiences, and memories carried by their makers. A companion work of hand embroidered doilies titled When, maps wages earned by women compared to men since the Equal Pay Act of 1963 was signed into law in the U.S.


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