Finance Committee 10/22/2024
En español
Item 1: Minutes of October 7, 2024 meeting
Item 2: 10-15-24 DEVINE – Ordered, that there be and is hereby appropriated by transfer in the fiscal year 2025, THIRTY THREE THOUSAND AND 00/100 Dollars ($33,000) as follows:
14101-51101 PAY-ENGINEER $19,000
14101-51105 PAY-SR CIVIL ENGINEER 14,000
TOTAL: $33,000
TOTAL: $33,000
Item 3: 10-1-24 MAGRATH-SMITH – Ordered, that the DPW Director and Conservation Director provide an update either in writing or in person as to the progress made in implementing the Urban Forestry Grant monies for 24-25.
Item 4: 8-6-24 From Mary Monahan, communication regarding board and ad hoc committee
Item 5: 10-15-24 DEVINE – Ordered, that in accordance with M.G.L. Chapter 44 Sec. 53A, the City Council hereby accepts the provisions of the “FY2025 STATE 911 DEPARTMENT SUPPORT & INCENTIVE GRANT, $306,443, NO MATCH” grant and authorizes the establishment of a Fund or other method appropriate for the accounting of the receipts and expenditures of all resources associated with the administration of said grant.
Sec 2-509 – Grant Reporting
Any city department, of which has received grant funding by approval of the city council pursuant to Massachusetts General Laws, or any other authorizing criteria, shall within a reasonable period of time, but no later than 60 days from the conclusion of said grant, generate a detailed report which outlines the planned outcomes with the documented actual results. Said report shall be submitted to the city clerk for addition to the city council’s next agenda.
Item 6: 9-4-24 From the Holyoke Retirement Board, PERAC Investment Report 2023
Item 7: 9-4-24 From the Holyoke Retirement Board, Annual Statement of the Financial Condition of the Holyoke Retirement Board
Item 8: 9-4-24 VACON, JOURDAIN – ORDER: the Treasurer along with key people, please provide an update on progress and next steps for converting to self-insurance to provide health insurance for city employees. Please also review with the City Council the calculations on how the FY 25 insurance budget was calculated.
*Tabled 9-23-24
Item 9: 10-15-24 DEVINE – Ordered, that there be and is hereby appropriated by transfer in the fiscal year 2025, ONE HUNDRED EIGHT THOUSAND SIX HUNDRED NINETY FIVE AND 56/100 Dollars ($108,695.56) as follows:
FROM: 8815-10400 CANNABIS STABILIZATION $108,695.56
TOTAL: $108,695.56
TO: 19412-57630 SOLICITOR – CLAIMS & DAMAGES $108,695.56
TOTAL: $108,695.56
Item 10: 8-6-24 DEVINE – Ordered, that there be and is hereby appropriated by transfer in the fiscal year 2025, THIRTY THOUSAND AND 00/100 Dollars ($30,000) as follows:
11211-51104 MAYOR – CAFO $30,000
TOTAL: $30,000
11611-51210 ELECTIONS OFFICERS $30,000
TOTAL: $30,000
*Tabled 8-12-24
Item 11: 3-19-24 MURPHY-ROMBOLETTI – Ordered that the City Council invite the Mayor, Police Department and relevant financial department heads to a future meeting of the Finance Committee to provide an update on the status of the off-duty police account and former vendor Off-Duty Blue.
*Tabled 4-3-24, 5-15-24, 8-12-24, 9-11-24
Item 12: 9-4-24 From Stephen Superba – Email regarding Police Department Cash Seizures