HCMI Board Meeting May 20, 2020
Meeting minutes of Holyoke Media – May 20, 2020
Meeting held remotely via zoom.
- Scott MacPherson, ED
- Jennifer Myszkowski
- Carey Baker
- Al Williams
- Patty Norris Lubold
- Mike Hines
Not present:
- Denis Luzuriaga
Call to order: 6:32 p.m.
Previous meeting minutes:
- Motion to accept minutes from 4/16/2020:
Motion: CB
2nd: PL
Vote: Unanimous.
Director’s Report:
- SM called HPD (got a call from Iohann who was called by HPD) that door was open to building Doorknob wasn’t closing. Building was swept and the knob changed and no one was there.
- Architects were difficult to communicate with this month. They had COVID cases in their office and no one was in their office. They got final info from HVAC and electrical engineers and they found some minor savings. One idea was talking to the tech school to see if they send students on jobs. The tech school emphatically said yes (for carpentry and electrical work, GC overseeing a team also being overseen by adults from school).
- MH – students have built parade float in past
- JM – perhaps we could have a plaque in building for students
- Hope to have spec of project for next meeting
- Paperwork done for PPP loan.
- Motion for Scott to submit application for PPP loan
- Motion:CB
- Second MH
- Vote: Unanimous yes
- Policies.
- Journalism Policy
- Harassment Policy
- Commitment to Diversity and Inclusion
- Harassment and Commitment to Diversity and Inclusion Policy mirror out personnel policies, so if there are significant changes we may have to revisit personnel policies.
- Staff question around production of editorial content. There are some differing opinions around what might be possible in the future, but in general there isn’t support for editorial content at this time, in terms of timing and resources and the credibility and accessibility of the organization. The board is happy to have a conversation with staff around this.
- There is an idea for a fellowship program around news segments involving the COVID-19 pandemic. It would involve an application process and paid content. The COVID-19 Journalism Project. CB suggests connecting with Ali Pinschmidt around a similar project with youth in Holyoke and Springfield.The board is invited to contribute to language around it.
- PL – It would be helpful to have some target themes so results can contain a representative range of narratives. Where will it be marketed?
- Bilingual sponsored posts on FB and Twitter, Pueblo, WRSI, Gazette, Masslive are targeted marketing forums.
- JM and PL – Council of Churches should cover multiple communities of faith in the community.
- Also Soldiers Home, Recovery Learning Community
- Motion to approve $3500 budget transfer from Production Coordinator line to Advertising and Promotion line
- Motion: PL
- Second: CB
- Vote: unanimous Yes.
- Draft of Strategic Plan should be done within a week and SM will get it to the board.
Old Business:
- Re-opening planing -We will be likely cautious about re-opening and potentially in later phases of the Governor’s plan. We may discuss concrete dates at a later meeting.
- Production Coordinator hire timeline. Onboarding will be difficult and SM would like to wait until August payment from Comcast to see what kind of revenue numbers we see.
New Business:
- CB – Website still does not have an SSL. Holyoke Media does not have a Google my Business page.
- AW – Are there ways we can suggest or encourage public access to meetings using virtual methods?
- Executive Session at next meeting to discuss compensation of the Executive Director.
Schedule next meeting: Wed., June 17 at 6:30 p.m.
- Motion to Adjourn
- Motion PL
- Second MH,
- Vote: Unanimous Yes
Adjourned 19:58