Holyoke Local Cultural Council grant applications are open until October 17, 2022.

 In Arts, Arts and Culture, News


Anne Thalheimer and Kocayne Givner are members of the Holyoke Local Cultural Council, and they shared the details for the period of application for proposals of cultural activities, events, workshops for 2023, that is currently open, until October 17th, 2022.

The total funds allocated for Holyoke this fiscal year 2023, is $63,800, which is an increase from previous years.

The goal of the HLCC is to provide some funding to as many qualified projects as possible. The HLCC supports projects that demonstrate a clear public benefit. Emphasis is placed on supporting local artists presenting work in Holyoke. Funding is made available to the widest range of community cultural needs possible.

As determined by the most recent community surveys, the following are funding priorities: Public events, like concerts and festivals. Support for community arts and cultural organizations. Arts education in the schools. Projects celebrating diversity.

For more information, and apply for grants, you can visit: https://massculturalcouncil.org/local-council/holyoke/

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