Holyoke Media Presents: Lora Barrett and her art exhibit ‘Hues of Holyoke’ at Wistariahurst.

 In Arts, Arts and Culture, News, Wistariahurst

Our youth producer and host, Kiara Rosario interviewed local artist, painter, curator and former educator, Lora Barrett, about her upcoming art exhibit at Wistariahurst titled ‘Hues of Holyoke’.

In this new exhibit, the timeless beauty of Holyoke’s mills comes to life. Lora Barrett’s paintings reveal the hidden warmth and vibrant colors within these seemingly plain structures. Through her brushstrokes, she showcases the mills as stately and powerful representations of Holyoke’s rich history, inviting viewers to explore the intricate details that make each one unique.

We learned about Lora Barrett’s influences for becoming an artist, and the great joy it brings to present these collection of 40 recent oil paintings, that capture the vibrancy of Holyoke, during the celebration of its 150th anniversary. The “Hues of Holyoke: Paintings by Lora Barrett” art exhibit is admission free, at Wistariahurst, and its opening reception is on Thursday, August 3rd, from 4:30 pm to 6:30 pm.

More information at wistariahurst.org


Interview recorded at the sound studio of Holyoke Media.

Host: Kiara Rosario.

Cameras: Veronica Rosario and Hery Sierra.

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