Menorah Lightning at Holyoke City Hall on first day of Hanukkah.

 In Community Events, Metro, News, Video

On the early evening of Sunday, December 18, 2022, Holyoke Mayor, Joshua Garcia gathered outside City Hall with members of the Jewish community in Holyoke, as well as residents of South Hadley and Granby, to celebrate the first day of Hanukkah and the lighting of of the Menorah.

A crowd of over fifty people gathered to hear unifying messages from Mayor Garcia, Nora Gorenstein, CEO of the Jewish Federation of Western Massachusetts; Joanne Saltman, followed by Rabbi Saul Perlmutter, both from the Congregation Sons of Zion, and Lou Silver, of the Rodphey Sholom Congregation.

“Our world, with all its problems, needs light to dispel the darkness,” said Mayor Garcia. For her part, Nora Gorenstein pointed to recent national anti-Semitic incidents. “Anti-Semitism continues to be a major problem for the Jewish community. We are pleased that others can come forward here tonight for us and celebrate with us in unity and solidarity” she said.

Chanting in a circle around the menorah outside the City Hall, Rabbi Perlmutter turned on the center light and then the first light on the right side, which represents the first day of eight of the Hanukkah celebration, also known as The festival of lights.

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