Open Mic’d: Poetry Open Mic Featuring Kai Pretto

 In Attack Bear Press, Community Producers, Video

Kai Pretto (he/they) is a genderqueer & neurodivergent poet whose poetry vacillates between the deeply surreal and uncomfortably grounded. When he is not writing poetry or running his beloved Western Massachusetts monthly queer poetry night, he works full-time as an elementary school speech therapist and runs an upcycling 4-H crafting club for kids. Kai also has an extensive collection of fossils & minerals, which they will almost always talk to you about at length! Their poetry has most recently been published in Many Nice Donkeys, Stirring, The Shore, and Fauxmoir Lit Mag. With the assistance of their resourceful print artist & zinemaker fiance, they recently released their first ever DIY chapbook, “Carapace”.

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Recorded June 22, 2024 at Holyoke Media

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