Ordinance Committee 2/7/2024

 In Government Meetings, Ordinance Committee, Video

En Español


Item 1: Minutes of January 23, 2024 meeting.

Item 2: 3-21-23 MCGEE — Ordered, that an ordinance be established to address the 2/3 majority vote of the body for votes. Legal please provide the language necessary for review.

Item 3: 9-5-23 MURPHY-ROMBOLETTI, TALLMAN — Ordered, With support from the city’s Veterans Benefit Department, that the City Council update its ordinances to provide free municipal parking for veterans that have an official Veteran License Plate.

Item 4: 10-3-23 (copy) GIVNER, TALLMAN — Ordered, With community support, order that all ordinances and charter rules reflecting city council and city council subcommittee meeting notices be updated to reflect acceptance of email as sufficient method of notice, and city website posting as sufficient method of public notice.

Item 5: 10-17-23 MCGEE — Ordered, That the DPW Commission return to reviewing and setting the Sewer Rate.

Item 6: 12-19-23 MALDONADO VELEZ — Ordered, that the city creates a Housing Committee tasked with creating policy suggestions and implementation of office of tenant protections, office of returning citizens and homelessness liaison. Roles and committee to be created by Ordinance while bylaws to be created by the committee.
The committee should included at least one of the following – 1 tenant in market rate housing, 1 tenant with section 8 voucher holder, 1 tenant with MRVP or continuum of care, 1 tenant of HHA, 1 tenant representative of local organization working on housing issues, 1 home owner, 1 landlord.

Item 7: 2-7-23 MCGIVERIN, JOURDAIN — Order that the Director of the Office of Planning&. Economic Development be authorized to provide a flexible work schedule for PSA members. Flexible work schedule will allow for evening meetings to be incorporated into the formal work day. A flexible schedule will still be required to fulfill the 35 hours a week requirement. All additional contractual and ordinances related to these positions will be adhered to.

Item 8: 10-4-22 MURPHY-ROMBOLETTI — Ordered that the City examine and study the Schedule A increases that were recommended by the salary study completed in 2014, so that we can implement salary adjustments that are competitive and more aligned with neighboring municipalities in order to retract and retain City employees.
*Tabled 4-25-23

Item 9: 4-18-23 MCGEE — Ordered, that the position of Chief Administrative and Financial Officer be created and added to Schedule A

Item 10: 12-5-23 MURPHY-ROMBOLETTI, JOURDAIN, I. RIVERA — Ordered, that the position of Crime Analyst be created and added to Ordinance Schedule A.

Item 11: 2-6-24 GIVNER — Per constituent request, order that the handicap placard be removed from 277 Walnut St as resident Jane Pafford has moved.

Item 12: 2-6-24 ANDERSON-BURGOS — Ordered that the handicap sign located in front of 184 Sargeant St be removed.

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