Ordinance Committee 4/10/2024
En Español
Item 1: Minutes of March 27, 2024 meeting
Item 2: 10-18-22 PUBLIC HEARING Petition for Speed Humps for Laurel Street.
Item 3: 3-21-23 MCGEE — Ordered, that an ordinance be established to address the 2/3 majority vote of the body for votes. Legal please provide the language necessary for review.
*Tabled 2-7-24, 3-13-24, 3-27-24
Item 4: 2-21-23 JOURDAIN — Ordered, that the Ordinance relative to the payment of city lifeguards be revised so as to make sure we are being competitive to other communities in the highly competitive employment of Summer lifeguards. Moreover, that the Aquatics Director and/or other reps from the Recreation dept be invited to the Ordinance Committee to help us review and change as appropriate.
*Tabled 3-13-24, 3-27-24
Item 5: 10-17-23 MCGEE — Ordered, That the DPW Commission return to reviewing and setting the Sewer Rate.
*Tabled 2-7-24, 3-13-24
Item 6: 4-5-22 VACON, JOURDAIN, PUELLO — Ordered, That a Legal opinion be issued to clarify allowed uses of marijuana impact fee money. For example,
if odor from a facility is a problem in the community can the money be used for mitigation?
*Tabled 11-29-22, 3-13-24
Item 7: 1-18-22 MALDONADO VELEZ — Ordered, that we ban single use plastic bags, straws, and/or food containers.
*Tabled 5-11-22, 3-13-24
Item 8: 2-20-24 SULLIVAN — Ordered, That the Vacant Building fee be adjusted to take into account the size (SF) of the building. Currently, a flat fee is assessed which is not reflective of the burden to the city and its taxpayers.
Item 9: 12-5-23 MCGEE — Ordered, that all ordinance/charter references to an Assistant Superintendent of Public Works be updated to Assistant Director of Public Works
*Tabled 3-13-24, 3-27-24
Discussion may not may not take place
Item 10: 1-22-24 (Referred back 4-2-24) DEVINE, GIVNER, J. RIVERA — Ordered, to add the position of City Engineer to the Ordinance under Schedule A, Grade 13.
Item 11: 8-1-23 (Referred back 4-2-24) JOURDAIN — Ordered, that the City Council review and adopt the Mayor’s proposal for the city’s financial policies by ordinance.”
Item 12: 10-4-22 MURPHY-ROMBOLETTI — Ordered that the City examine and study the Schedule A increases that were recommended by the salary study completed in 2014, so that we can implement salary adjustments that are competitive and more aligned with neighboring municipalities in order to retract and retain City employees.
*Tabled 4-25-23, 2-7-24, 3-13-24, 3-27-24
Item 13: 5-2-23 MURPHY-ROMBOLETTI — Ordered, That schedules B and C of ordinance 2-35 be updated as appropriate with competitive salaries to attract and retain employees.
*Tabled 3-27-24
Item 14: 4-18-23 MCGEE — Ordered, that the position of Chief Administrative and Financial Officer be created and added to Schedule A
*Tabled 2-7-24, 3-13-24, 3-27-24
Item 15: 12-19-23 MALDONADO VELEZ — Ordered, Order that the city creates a Housing Committee tasked with creating policy suggestions and implementation of office of tenant protections, office of returning citizens and homelessness liaison. Roles and committee to be created by Ordinance while bylaws to be created by the committee.
The committee should included at least one of the following – 1 tenant in market rate housing, 1 tenant with section 8 voucher holder, 1 tenant with MRVP or continuum of care, 1 tenant of HHA, 1 tenant representative of local organization working on housing issues, 1 home owner, 1 landlord.
*Tabled 2-7-24, 3-13-24
Item 16: 3-7-23 MCGEE — Ordered, that the Zoning Ordinance, Section 7.8 WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATION FACILITIES AND ANTENNAS, be amended to include Small Wireless Facilities.
*Public hearings held 4-25-23, 5-23-23, 8-22-23, 11-28-23, 1-23-24.
Tabled 1-23-24, 3-13-24. Pending Planning Board recommendation.
Item 17: 3-7-23 MCGEE — Ordered, that the Zoning Ordinance be amended to add a section for Short Term Rentals, in addition to amending Section 2 DEFINITIONS, and any other sections that may apply to this use.
*Public hearings held 4-25-23, 5-23-23, 8-22-23, 10-24-23, 1-23-24.
Tabled 1-23-24, 3-13-24. Pending Planning Board recommendation.
Item 18: 3-7-23 MCGEE — Ordered, that the Zoning Ordinance be amended to add a Section for Tiny Houses, in addition to amending Section 2 DEFINITIONS, and any other Sections that may apply to this use.
*Public hearings held 4-25-23, 9-26-23, 11-28-23, 1-23-24.
Tabled 1-23-24, 3-13-24. Pending Planning Board recommendation.
Item 19: 3-21-23 JOURDAIN — Ordered, The City of Holyoke develop a personnel policy for the handling of administrative leave and codifying the rules into Ordinance as recommended by the Personnel Dept including but not limited to when employees should or should not be placed on paid leave or unpaid leave. The current process appears lacking objective standards. Taxpayers should also be protected to ensure people who should not be out on paid administrative leave are placed on unpaid administrative leave.
*Tabled 5-23-23, 6-27-23, 9-12-23, 10-24-23, 12-12-23, 3-13-24
Item 20: 2-21-23 PUELLO — in accordance with the city charter, create ordinance language that confirms, no sitting city councilor shall become a member of any board or commission in city government during the term of office. To Ordinance Committee
*Tabled 11-28-23, 12-12-32, 3-13-24
Item 21: 11-21-23 PUELLO — That we consider crafting an ordinance stipulating requirements for expenditure of funds of the police special events line and requirements. Example: committee organized event, private businesses participating, alcohol served, who is profiting etc.
*Tabled 11-28-23, 12-12-23, 3-13-24
Item 22: 6-6-23 PUELLO — Ordered, That speed humps be placed on South Summer St. Petition attached.
*Tabled 6-27-23, 3-13-24
Item 23: 3-21-23 PUELLO — That the following entry be added to the City Ordinances Sec. 86-325. – Schedule IV: Stop streets, this will be directed to the Ordinance Committee to be heard.
Street Stopped/ Vernon St
Direction of Travel/ Southerly
Intersection/ Main St
*Tabled 4-25-23, 3-13-24
Item 24: 4-6-21 Petition for Speed hump at Argyle Ave.
*Tabled 6-21-21, 2-28-23, 3-13-24
Item 25: 10-4-22 GIVNER, ANDERSON-BURGOS, PUELLO — Ordered, Collaborative order to create “don’t block the box” painting and signage to accommodate traffic flow on Beech St at CVS entrance/exit.
*Tabled 2-28-23, 3-13-24
Item 26: 11-15-22 From Mayor Joshua A. Garcia, letter of Veto regarding order on reporting damages:
The Committee on Ordinance to whom was referred an order That an ordinance be created that requires a department head to report (with an incident report explaining the cause) of any loss in their department over $250 in value to the City Council and Mayor within 30 days Recommended that the order be adopted, as amended for losses over $500.
*Tabled 11-29-22, 3-13-24
Item 27: 1-18-22 MALDONADO VELEZ — Order that we look into creating an ordinance around trash pick up that is similar to when it snows, where residents, business owners, and the city are responsible for the trash on their property.
*Tabled 5-11-22, 3-13-24
Item 28: 5-18-21 VACON, BARTLEY, MCGIVERIN, LISI — Ordered, that the setting of the sewer rate be returned from the City Council to the DPW Commission where it had been previously determined.
*Tabled 6-29-21, 1-25-22, 6-7-23, 3-13-24
Item 29: 4-6-21 MURPHY, LISI — Ordered that the city council consider adopting a wage theft ordinance for all contractors doing projects for the city or receiving special tax incentives by the city similar to Easthampton and Springfield with the following purposes: prevent misclassification of employees as independent contractors; assure that employers are paying all payroll taxes and workers compensation premiums; comply with state laws governing the payment of prevailing wages; assure that contractors provide opportunities for Holyoke residents, veterans, people of color and women.
*Tabled 5-25-21, 6-22-21, 9-28-21, 11-9-21, 11-23-21, 3-13-24
Item 30: 5-16-23 (referred back 2-6-24) MURPHY-ROMBOLETTI — Ordered, that the City Council amend Ordinance 2-336(a) and (b) to reflect a streamlined process for disposition of tax title properties and other properties not needed by the City for municipal purposes and to add a new section for the creation of an Abutter Lots Sale Program.