PIC Salon at Holyoke Media. July 7, 2024.

 In Community Producers, Video

The Play Incubation Collective held its summer Salon and Social session at Holyoke Media, on July 7, 2024.

Play Incubation Collective is a local launchpad for new theatrical work that nourishes the community and fosters civic dialogue. It is led by Sarah Marcus, and Rachel Hirsch.

Gathering for the first time in our studios, the audience enjoyed of excerpts of works in progress by Lyza Fennell, Jack O’Hara, Elizabeth Nelson, Kristin Palpini, and Phoebe Shaw. Also, an open mic, offered the chance for individual work to be featured, and the evening closed with a book raffle and a chance to get to know the PIC community.

To learn more about the work of Play Incubation Collective, you can visit: playiincubation.org

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