Public Safety Committee 2/26/2024

 In Government Meetings, Public Safety Committee, Video

En español



Item 1: Minutes of November 29, 2023 meeting.

Item 2: 2-6-24 MAGRATH-SMITH – Ordered that members of the Fire Commission come into Public Safety to discuss the recent issue concerning firefighters obtaining their EMT certifications.

Item 3: 1-2-24 RIVERA_I — Order that honorable city council request the chief of police come into public safety to discuss the potential development of a traffic division solely focused on mitigating traffic issues throughout the city of Holyoke.

Item 4: 12-5-23 RIVERA_I — Order that the police department present an update on the goals or steps taken to address some of the concerns raised out of the MRI audit.

Item 5: 9-5-23 RIVERA_J, ANDERSON-BURGOS, GIVNER, MALDONADO-VELEZ, MURPHY-ROMBOLETTI, RIVERA_I — Ordered that the city council work with the mayor and school superintendent to address the reinstatement of bus services for Lyman Terrace as soon as possible, as a matter of public safety.  This has been a service they have received for the past 20 years.

Item 6: 4-18-23 GIVNER — Ordered, In the interest of public safety, that a traffic safety pledge be created, in good faith, and that this pledge be taken by all city employees and officials. All city employees and officials should be expected to model righteous behavior by adhering to speed limits and following all traffic laws, ESPECIALLY when using CITY VEHICLES. How can we expect our community to respect its laws if city employees are blatantly disregarding them.
*Tabled 9-27-23

Item 7: 10-4-22 MALDONADO-VELEZ — Ordered, that the city provide an update on any antiracism and diversity training already in place for employees, and update on how it can be improved.
*Tabled 11-21-22

Item 8: 1-18-22 MALDONADO-VELEZ, ANDERSON-BURGOS — Order that we create a Food Economy Coalition to identify and propose innovative policies, programming, and/or project solutions to improve the Holyoke food system and food entrepreneurship. Recommendations will be made to aligned bodies, such as the Office of Planning & Economic Development, the City Council, and relevant city departments (eg. DPW, BOH, etc.)

Item 9: 1-18-22 RIVERA_I — that the City council invite the Department of Public Works as well as the Parks & Recreation Department to a Public Safety committee meeting to address the upkeep and or improvement of Laurel St. Park.
*Tabled 1-24-22

Item 10: 6-21-22 ANDERSON-BURGOS — That the DPW seek an alternative solution for rock salt. Salt is corrosive to vehicles and roads, and can contaminate drinking water and be toxic to wildlife.
*Tabled 8-8-22, 11-21-22

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