Reveal of Fernandez Way

 In Business, News, State, Video

On the early evening of November 18, 2022, at the corner of High Street and Hampden, Holyoke Mayor, Joshua García, along with Holyoke City Council President, Todd McGee, revealed the new street sign, naming this street as Fernandez Way, to honor Don Rafael Fernandez, his family and the legacy of Fernández Family Restaurant.

This is the result of a filed order to the City Council that took place during the farewell ceremony on July 22nd at Veterans Park, after hearing the petition of the community at the event, to rename the street in honor of the Fernández family, and their contributions to the Holyoke community.

For 34 years, Fernández Restaurant was a local landmark, and one of the very first local businesses owned by a Puerto Rican family.

Don Rafael Fernández is also one of the “Hidden Legends”, which is a project by Pa’Lante high school students created during the 2017-18 school year, to recognize the representation of the diversity in Holyoke, and their impact and contributions to the community.

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