The Body / The Self Gallery Art Exhibit

 In Arts and Culture, News, Video

Wisteriahurst Museum 2023 womens

Artist panel on Tuesday, March 21 at 5:30 pm

“For the month of March Wistariahurst Museum and Garden will exhibit the The Body / The Self, works by artists who identify as female and non-binary in a celebratory show for Women’s History Month in March. The Body/The Self, asks artists to grapple with the relationship between the body and the self. The physical body is often policed or politicized, especially for women and those who don’t subscribe to any binary concept of gender.

The artworks pieces engages the relationship between the physical and the conceptual body and self.

Admission to the gallery is free. Donations are gratefully accepted.

Gallery hours:

Mondays 10:30am-12:30am

Tuesdays 4:30pm-6:30pm

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City Council President Todd McGee