UNAPOLOGETIC: On The Firing of a Darryl Moss

 In Podcasts

UNAPOLOGETIC EPISODE 19. October 3, 2020. Tanisha Arena, executive director of Arise for Social Justice, on Springfield Mayor Domenic Sarno firing his longtime aide, Darryl Moss, for speaking up against violence against Black people on a social media post.

Mr. Moss is a lifelong activist and poet who has worked both personally and professionally to amplify ways to make a more perfect union, as promised in the US Constitution.

To watch Mr. Moss declaim from his own poetry, visit this link: https://vimeo.com/verdantmedia

Mr. Moss is the second person of color fired by the mayor for sharing a post on their personal social media about their support for the Black Lives Matter movement. Just this summer, Detective Florissa Fuentes was fired and is now suing the city.

State Rep. Carlos González, D-Springfield, and chair of the Black and Latino Legislative Caucus, has called on Mayor Sarno to reinstate Det. Fuentes. A report by Steph Solis of Masslive here: https://www.masslive.com/…/reinstate-florissa-fuentes…

Stephanie Barry of Masslive reported on the firing of Mr. Moss and the city’s social media policy here: https://www.masslive.com/…/springfield-mayoral-aide…

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