Enjoy of the very first episode of a cooking show created by Holyoke High School Senior, Shane Bourgeois. “Indubitably Scrumptious” is a concept created by Shane on how to create […]
La Iglesia San Pablo Episcopal anuncia la llegada de su nuevo pastor, Padre Joel Martínez, oriundo de la República Dominicana, y quien ofrece misas en español e inglés todas las semanas.
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Ask State Rep. Patricia Duffy about what’s happening at the Statehouse, where she represents Holyoke, and enter the realm of joyful insights about what elected lawmakers do. In this [...]
On Saturday, December 3rd, the Performance Project’s 2022 First Generation Youth Ensemble premieres their newest work at City Stage in Springfield. “Mother Tongue” is an original multilingual [...]
On the early evening of November 18, 2022, at the corner of High Street and Hampden, Holyoke Mayor, Joshua García, along with Holyoke City Council President, Todd McGee, revealed the […]
Wistariahurst Museum held a multi-dimensional celebration honoring Indigenous cultures. Bridging Voices, Deepening Understanding: Indigenous Heritage Celebration at Wistariahurst, brought [...]
Holyoke Public Schools has completed Phase 1 of its rezoning efforts that will allow the district to transition to separate elementary (PK-5) and middle (6-8) schools and redraw school boundary [...]
Carrying Prayer: Reclamation, Remembrance, and Honor. Wistariahurst Exhibition Honors Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women. A bold and breathtaking exhibition featuring the work of Anthony [...]
Holyoke Mayor Joshua García on the housing crisis, both affordable, market-rate and low-income, and what the city is doing to address the shortage of housing for all income levels.
What are the ingredients of student success in Puerto Rican-majority school systems? Dr. Lorna Rivera of the Gastón Institute for Latino Community Development & Public Policy presents the [...]