Aaron Vega, director of the city’s Office of Planning and Economic Development, answers questions from community member Astrid DeSoete, in this “Ask” series produced by another [...]
Bombyx Center for Arts and Equity is a venue for multi cultural events and performances that is inside a historic church building in Florence Massachusetts. Not only a space for […]
From the petition of Holyoke resident Tyrone Bowie, through the hands of Ward 4 City Councilor Kocayne Givner and to the desk of Mayor Joshua García, May 19 is now […]
[VERSIÓN EN ESPAÑOL DISPONIBLE EN ESTE ENLACE] The grand opening of the new Holyoke Media operations center is on Friday, May 19th. And with this celebration, we will have […]
[ENGLISH VERSION IS AVAILABLE FOLLOWING THIS LINK] La inauguración del nuevo centro de operaciones de Holyoke Media es el viernes 19 de mayo. Y con esta celebración tendremos como artista […]
Even as the Americans with Disabilities Act mandates that municipalities and private businesses, faith-based institutions and organizations that no barriers keep people with disabilities out, the [...]
Recibimos con gusto la visita en nuestros estudios de Megan Burke, Presidenta y CEO de la Fundación Comunitaria del Oeste de Massachusetts (organización conocida en inglés como The Community [...]
Holyoke High School Junior Qua'nae Golston-Thomas asks Tom Reynolds, director of the Holyoke Parks and Recreation Department about the parks, trails and events the department manages.
Gloutak Woods is a conservation area located in Ward 5, on the western side of the city of Holyoke, near the border with the municipality of Southampton In 2019, a fund […]